About Grl Pwr LA

What is Grl Pwr LA? Where are you located?
Grl Pwr LA is a 501 © (3) non profit organization based in Los Angeles California geared towards helping women discover community while fostering personal and professional development.

I don't live in Los Angeles? Can I still attend an event?
 We are currently working on expanding our events! Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter
here to find out when we will be hosting an event in a city near you. You can also join our Free Social Club on Heylo to stay connected.

What is a Grl Pwr LA Ambassador?

Grl Pwr LA ambassadors our volunteers that help lead our events. Our ambassadors are responsible for representing on behalf of our brand, assisting with events, promoting new merchandise and product launches, and spreading the mission of our organization.

How do I become a Grl Pwr LA ambassador?

If you’re interested in becoming an ambassador please feel free to
click here to learn more and apply! 

I live in Los Angeles and would like to co-host an event with Grl Pwr LA. What's next?

Please email us at info@grlpwrla.com for review by our team, we look forward to hearing from you!

What is Grl Pwr LA Los Angeles social club?
This means you are apart of our online community. Our online social club is geared towards helping Queens discover friendships through community building events and volunteer opportunities. Our Queens are located all around the world including Los Angeles,Atlanta, Florida and even abroad.

How can I get connected to the free Social Club?

You can stay connected with other Queens in our private online community in our FREE social club in Heylo and our online facebook community.

What's the best way to stay updated on the next event?
You can join our free social club on Heylo or our private online facebook community. You can also subscribe to our newsletter here to stay updated on our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities! 

Los Angeles Social Club

Level Up Mentorship Opportunity

Question: What is the Level Up Adult mentorship?

Answer: Our Level up mentorship opportunity is a program dedicated to helping female aspiring entrepreneurs succeed . This is an accessible mentorship opportunity to help female entrepreneurs and working professionals take their vision to the next level while making a difference. With your investment to yourself you become a donor, making a difference in the lives of underserved communities in los angeles.

How do I learn more and apply to the Level Up Mentorship opportunity?
You can sign up
here. Seating is limited and applications close March 1st. If you missed the opportunity to apply you can always reapply next year.

How are your expert coaches selected?

Our expert coaches are selected based on topics we are featuring and are also featured in our directory. Our coaches are selected very carefully and we only select those we are confident are experts within the field of the selected mentorship topics in the program.

How do I apply to be featured as a coach or expert?

You can apply

Have additional questions you don’t see above? Please email us Info@grlpwrla.com